Physical World
Science means “to know”. It is a systematic way of acquiring knowledge about the surroundings
by careful observations and experimentations over a period of time.
The study of nature and natural phenomenon put in an organised way in various sub-topics is
called physics. It has many branches namely, mechanics, electricity, magnetism, optics, modern
physics, etc.
Scope and excitement of physics:
The scope of physics is vast. It covers a tremendous range of magnitude of physical quantities
such as length, mass, time, energy, etc. At one end, it studies phenomenon at the very small scale
of length (10–14 m or even less) involving electrons, protons, etc. At the other end, it deals with
astronomical phenomenon at the scale of galaxies or even the entire universe whose extent is of
the order of 1026 m.
Physics in relation to technology:
The connection between physics and technology can be observed in many examples.
Carnot’s theory of heat engine enabled man to develop refrigerators, engine, air conditioner,
Study of electromagnetic waves and propagation helped man to design communication
The idea of the nucleus and the energy embedded in it enabled him to generate enormous
amount of energy.
Physics and technology are related to each other. Sometimes technology gives rise to new
physics. At other times, physics generates new technology. Both have direct impact on society.
Physics in relation to society:
Physics has tried to help humankind to develop the better ideas. Development of transport system
and communication system has brought the world closer.
Fundamental forces in nature:
Gravitational force: The gravitational force exists between any two objects in the universe.
It states that force of mutual attraction is directly proportional to the product of the masses
and inversely proportional to the square of the separation.
Electro-magnetic force: The electro-magnetic force is between a pair of charges/poles. The
electric and magnetic forces are not separable.
Strong-nuclear force: The strong nuclear forces bind the protons and neutrons in a
Weak-nuclear forces: The weak nuclear forces appear in certain interactions such as β-
decay and exist in distances of the order of 10–15 m.
The electro-magnetic and the weak nuclear forces are unified into one force called electro-weak
Conservation law:
The physical quantities that remain unchanged in a process are called conserved quantities. Some
of the general laws in nature include the laws of conservation of mass, energy, linear momentum,
angular momentum, charge, parity, etc. Some conservation laws are true for one fundamental force
but not for the other.
Science means “to know”. It is a systematic way of acquiring knowledge about the surroundings
by careful observations and experimentations over a period of time.
The study of nature and natural phenomenon put in an organised way in various sub-topics is
called physics. It has many branches namely, mechanics, electricity, magnetism, optics, modern
physics, etc.
Scope and excitement of physics:
The scope of physics is vast. It covers a tremendous range of magnitude of physical quantities
such as length, mass, time, energy, etc. At one end, it studies phenomenon at the very small scale
of length (10–14 m or even less) involving electrons, protons, etc. At the other end, it deals with
astronomical phenomenon at the scale of galaxies or even the entire universe whose extent is of
the order of 1026 m.
Physics in relation to technology:
The connection between physics and technology can be observed in many examples.
Carnot’s theory of heat engine enabled man to develop refrigerators, engine, air conditioner,
Study of electromagnetic waves and propagation helped man to design communication
The idea of the nucleus and the energy embedded in it enabled him to generate enormous
amount of energy.
Physics and technology are related to each other. Sometimes technology gives rise to new
physics. At other times, physics generates new technology. Both have direct impact on society.
Physics in relation to society:
Physics has tried to help humankind to develop the better ideas. Development of transport system
and communication system has brought the world closer.
Fundamental forces in nature:
Gravitational force: The gravitational force exists between any two objects in the universe.
It states that force of mutual attraction is directly proportional to the product of the masses
and inversely proportional to the square of the separation.
Electro-magnetic force: The electro-magnetic force is between a pair of charges/poles. The
electric and magnetic forces are not separable.
Strong-nuclear force: The strong nuclear forces bind the protons and neutrons in a
Weak-nuclear forces: The weak nuclear forces appear in certain interactions such as β-
decay and exist in distances of the order of 10–15 m.
The electro-magnetic and the weak nuclear forces are unified into one force called electro-weak
Conservation law:
The physical quantities that remain unchanged in a process are called conserved quantities. Some
of the general laws in nature include the laws of conservation of mass, energy, linear momentum,
angular momentum, charge, parity, etc. Some conservation laws are true for one fundamental force
but not for the other.
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